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National awards, industry awards, & acknowledgements


NASA Early Career Public Achievement Medal

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Nick Wiltsie

For exceptional achievement in the development of RSKETCH and the Camera Visualization Tool streamlining Mars Science Laboratory operations and increasing science return.

NASA Early Career Public Achievement Medal


Discovery Award

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Nick Wiltsie

For exceptional achievement exhibiting extreme initiative, in successfully developing a workspace imaging mosaic shadow analysis tool for InSight.

Discovery Award


Voyager Award

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Nick Wiltsie

For technical excellence and innovation resulting in automated assistance for Rover Planning, a critical, time-intensive aspect of robotic operations

Voyager Award


NASA Group Achievement Award

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

MSL G10 GDS Development and Delivery Team

For achievement in the MSL Ground Data System infrastructure upgrade, resulting in hardware performance increases and NASA cybersecurity compliance.

NASA Group Achievement Award


Voyager Award

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Nick Wiltsie

For exceptional contribution and leadership of the development and deployment of RSKETCH capability in the RSVP software toolset.

Voyager Award


NASA Group Achievement Award

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

MSL Surface Sampling System Development Team

Mitigating low-mass portions of drilled sample material delivered to the MSL analytical labs increasing mission science return, reducing mission risk.

NASA Group Achievement Award


NASA Group Achievement Award

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

LEMUR Climbing Robot Team

Achievement in the dev and maturation of rock climbing robot using innovative hardware software enabling access to extreme terrain for future mission.

NASA Group Achievement Award


Voyager Award

Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Nick Wiltsie

For exceptional achievement in developing the MSL Camera Visualization and Video Toolset

Voyager Award


NASA Group Achievement Award

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

MSL Uplink Improvement Team

Exceptional achievement in reducing operations duration, increasing science return, and recovering from anomalies for Mars Science Laboratory mission.

NASA Group Achievement Award


NASA Group Achievement Award

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

MSL Extended Mission-1 Science and Operations Team

For exceptional technical innovations + execution of rover surface operations leading to numerous, profound new discoveries about the ancient climate.

NASA Group Achievement Award
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